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  • Core Business


    The VTeam Group is a leading provider of digital SCF solutions in China, as well as a strategic partner of the People’s Bank of China Head Office.

    The fintech business of the VTeam Group is underpinned by the core logic of supply chain finance. Leveraging highly competent and seasoned technical teams from China and abroad, we deliver customizable, one-stop R&D and operation services to banks, anchor enterprises, commercial factors and other institutions.

    To date, the VTeam Group has independently developed more than 90 sets of specialized software system solutions. Leveraging our advanced IT technology and operational service experience, we have provided IT systems and technology services to over 100 financial institutions, including major banks such as China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, and China Everbright Bank, as well as commercial factoring companies, leasing companies, and other supply chain finance service providers. Our market coverage in China exceeds 65%, and we have successfully expanded into Japan and Southeast Asia. Concurrently, the VTeam Group is actively entering overseas markets, including Europe, where we are providing supply chain fintech services to several European financial institutions.

    Our fintech products have received multiple authoritative certifications, including Microsoft Certification, ISO9001 Quality Management System certification, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Level 2 and Level 3 certifications, software enterprise certification, high-tech enterprise certification, intellectual property rights for a series of supply chain products, product registration, and product certification.

    The VTeam Group keeps pace with blockchain developments, innovating at the industry forefront by integrating blockchain technology into our supply chain finance services. We have launched the blockchain-based VBaaS platform, along with the AR chain and Rongyi Supply Chain Finance Platform built on VBaaS. All these products have been registered at the blockchain information service filing management system of the Cyberspace Administration of China, showcasing our strong technological innovation capabilities.

    >>>   One Core

    >>>   Three Platforms

    >>>   Five Services

    Major Products

    >>>   Accounts Receivable Financial Chain

    The Accounts Receivable Financial Chain operates within the supply chain network of anchor enterprises, leveraging these enterprises’ credit to provide financing for their upstream suppliers and downstream customers. This product converts the accounts payable of anchor enterprises into digital bonds that are divisible, transferable, redeemable, and financeable, providing a means of financing for upstream SMEs.

    >>>   Investment & Financing Service Platform

    The Investment & Financing Service Platform is designed to provide professional, efficient financing services for SMEs. It aims to align funds with project requirements through both online and offline services, as well as the combination of standardized service with customized needs.

    >>>   Supply Chain Finance Management Platform

    The Supply Chain Finance Management Platform integrates factoring, leasing, microloans, prepaid finance, and inventory financing for online management throughout the supply chain finance process, including pre-assessment, drawdown, and post-financing monitoring. It also builds internal audit and management systems for financial institutions and helps them systematize their internal management requirements.

    >>>   Enterprise Credit Investigation Platform

    The Enterprise Credit Investigation Platform aims to build an extensive, detailed and effective enterprise credit information database, and by developing a scientific and standardized credit evaluation system, it provides objective, authoritative and value-added credit information services.

    >>>   Electronic Confirmation Platform

    The Electronic Confirmation Platform is dedicated to providing confirmation services for banks, accounting firms, enterprises, and other institutions. Additionally, the platform fulfills the requirements of electronic, automated, standardized, and centralized information management throughout the confirmation request process.

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