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    • 0+YEAR
      It boasts 25 years of experience in supply chain fintech & financial services
    • 0+%
      Fintech services owns more than 65% market share in China
    • 0
      International services cover 223 countries and regions
    • 0
      Build up 38 online supply chain finance and investment & financing platforms

    About VTeam

    VTeam Financial Services Group, backed by SoftBank China Capital, offers supply chain finance across China and Asia Pacific and operates in 223 countries. We boast 25 years of experience and are the sole tech investment group in China honored by The Asian Banker for two years running.

    Learn More about the VTeam Group
    • 90+

      Has independently developed more than 90 sets of software systems

    • 10

      Has obtained more than 10 technology certificates from authoritative institutions

    • 100+

      Has provided IT system and technology services for more than 100 banks and financial institutions

    • 17

      Has obtained the exclusive 17 patents worldwide in supply chain finance risk control areas



    Government Agencies and Associations
    Platforms in Different Provinces and Cities
    Partner Banks
    Strategic Partner

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